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American Ginseng 美国花旗泡参 500g

RM 480.00

American Wisconsin Ginseng 美国花旗泡参(切片)


  • Origin: American & selling directly in Malaysia.

  • The benefits of ginseng go well boosting energy.

  • Boosts the immune system.

  • Supports normal brain function and memory.

  • Improve vitality.

The Top Benefit of American Ginseng: Energy.

American ginseng influences energy metabolism by helping muscles work longer before becoming fatigued. The effect is enhanced by the plant’s calming action. Many people have described it as feeling more energetic while simultaneously feeling more at ease.

More Benefits of American Ginseng:

The benefits of ginseng go well boosting energy.

Promotes normal blood sugar.

Prevent thirst and dryness.

Boosts the immune system.

Soothes intestinal irritation.

Supports normal brain function and memory.

Use Direction (1): American ginseng tea. Place a few slices of the sliced ginseng into a cup (300ml) of boiling water, cover and allow for infusion for 20-30 minutes. This sliced ginseng can be drink by itself or add honey for a better taste.

Use Direction (2): American ginseng chicken soup.

Ingredients: 1piece of chicken, about 10 gram american ginseng, 8 piece red dates (紅棗) and 2 tablespoon wolfberry fruit (gou gi zi 枸杞仔).

Putit into a slow cooker with hot water (boiling water) with other ingredients like american ginseng , red dates, wolfberry fruit and chicken. Stew for two or three hour.


美国花旗泡参的最大好处: 補益气, 提神和生津液.

美国花旗泡参通过帮助肌肉在疲劳前工作更长时间影响能量代谢. 通过植物的平静作用增强了效果.许多人把它描述为感觉更加精力充沛.



对熬夜者, 阴虚火旺者和常感操热者.





使用方法(1): 美国花旗泡参茶.将几片美国花泡旗参切片放入沸水的杯子(300ml)中, 盖上并允许输注20-30分钟. 可以单独饮用或添加蜂蜜或糖为更好的味道.

使用方法(2): 美国花旗泡参鸡汤. 取10克美国花泡旗参切片加两茶匙枸杞子, 八粒红枣和鸡肉全部放入电子沙锅(Slowcooker)用来炖煮大约2-3小时,炖肉服效果更好.

1 box x American Wisconsin Ginseng 500 Grams

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