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Pure Nutmeg Oil / Minyak Buah Pala / 豆蔻油

RM 88.00

Pure Nutmeg Oil / Minyak Buah Pala / 豆蔻油

Pure Natural Quality Nutmeg Oil (Pharmaceutical Grade)

With a fresh clean fragrance.

  • Improves Blood Circulation.

  • Nutmeg oil has a distinct aroma.

  • Nutmeg oil is used in Chinese medicine to ease joint swelling muscle pain.

  • Nutmeg oil is known for its power to relieve pain.

  • 豆蔻油功效和作用: 祛风除湿消肿止痛, 消炎杀菌

Benefits Of Nutmeg Oil:

Improves Blood Circulation Nutmeg oil has a distinct aroma that helps in treatment of those suffering from poor blood circulation. Consumption of nutmeg oil in any form will help transport oxygen to all the cells in your body.

Reduces Pain

Nutmeg oil is used in Chinese medicine to ease joint swelling and muscle pain too as the oil is known for its power to relieve pain, all thanks to the volatile oils present in it.

Eases Menstrual CrampsIn case one suffers from stomach ache, fatigue or hormonal imbalance during days of menstruation, nutmeg oil may help alleviate it. Eases Menstrual CrampsIn case one suffers from stomach ache, fatigue or hormonal imbalance during days of menstruation, nutmeg oil may help alleviate it. Nutmeg oil is known to have nutrients that assist the entire process of menses and regulate the cycle too. They (essential oils) showed superior effects of aromatherapy massage on alleviating pain in primary dysmenorrhea compared to placebo oil massage.

Improves And Induces Sleep

As already stated, nutmeg oil is a sedative, which calms and soothes the nerves and relieves the body of stress. This may help in both inducing sleep effectively and improving the sleep quality too.

Helps Facilitate Treatment Of Respiratory InfectionsOne of the major functions of nutmeg essential oil according to Ayurveda is to cure breathing and respiratory ailments such as asthma. Nutmeg oil is known for its decongesting properties and is thus a common additive to most cough medicines and cold vapour rubs.



豆蔻油是一种能祛风除湿的中药材, 它能用于人类风湿骨痛的治疗, 特别是大家因风湿性关节炎影响到关节肿胀疼痛时, 能直接用它来治疗,治疗时可以把它涂抹在疼痛的部位实行适度按摩, 每隔三四小时涂抹一次, 能让疼痛症状很迅速减轻.

2、 消肿止痛

豆蔻油具有消肿止痛的至关重要作用, 它能加快人体力学循环并能疏通经络, 并且能活血化瘀, 也能提高人体筋骨健康水平, 治疗跌打损坏的常用药, 平时大家因扭伤导致发肿痛或因跌打损坏引发淤血肿痛时都是可以能直接使用豆蔻花油来治疗, 使用后治疗效果特别好.


消炎杀菌同样是豆蔻油的至关重要作用, 平时大家把它涂抹在皮肤表层, 之后能消灭皮肤表层的敏感菌和真菌, 可避免皮肤炎症滋生.

Note & Precautions: 

This product is for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. If this happens, rinse thoroughly with water. Avoid contact with wounds and injuries on the skin. Test on a small area on your skin before using and if there is no adverse reaction you can continue to use the product. Keep out of reach of children.

Note: keep away from direct strong sunshine, Storage in cool and dark places.


1 x Nutmeg Oil 250ML

1 x Nutmeg Oil 500ML

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