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Turpentine oil / 松节油 (Essential oil)

RM 27.00

Turpentine oil / 松节油 (Essential oil)

Order are not accepted east Malaysia and overseas.

Turpentine oil is colorless and odorous and flammable and creates a warming sensation when applied to the skin. Many notice an immediate effect after applying, and their pain is reduced within hours. Use a small amount to either massage or swab on the affected area. For best results, or You can mix it with your favorite essential oils to create a better smelling remedy. Other essential oils have their own valuable uses; find out which oils are best for you.apply the oil 3-4 times daily until pain or soreness improves.

Benefits of Turpentine oil:

Turbine-oil is suitable for Activate blood circulation, relieve swelling and pain., anti-rheumatism, neuralgia, joint stiffness, joint pain, Muscle Pain, Sprains, Cramps, sedation and relief of skin irritation.


Natural essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used with care.


Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with skin or eyes. If pregnant or lactating, consult your healthcare practitioner before using. Not for internal use.


松节油(精油)是松针科树类的含油树脂。天然的含油树脂(树脂松节油)为微黄色不透明的块状物, 其馏出物即为松节油, 有特殊气味.

松节油是一种精油. 无色至深棕色液体, 有特殊气味.

性能: 功能活血通络, 消肿止痛.

适应证本品为外用皮肤剂, 穿透力很强, 能渗入深部组织而引起刺激, 进而促进血液循环.

适用于减轻风湿痛, 关节痛, 肌肉痛, 肌腱炎, 神经痛, 具有抗风湿性关节炎, 以缓解肿胀和轻微止痛作用.

注意事项只供外用禁止内服避免接触眼睛, 用药部位如有烧灼感, 瘙痒, 红肿等情况应停药,


Package : Turpentine oil x 250ML

Package : Turpentine oil x 500ML

Package : Turpentine oil x 1 Litter

Package : Turpentine oil x 2 Litter

Package : Turpentine oil x 4.5 Litter

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