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Dandelion Tea 蒲公英茶 (清肝排毒茶)

RM 19.00

Dandelion Tea  蒲公英茶 (清肝排毒茶)

Dandelion tea has many amazing health benefits.

Promote Liver Health and detoxifies the Body

Naturopaths  believe it means that dandelion tea could help detoxify the liver, help with skin and eye problems, and relieve symptoms of liver disease. is a powerful diuretic, improve healthy kidney function, and relieve symptoms of liver disease.

Weight Loss

Dandelion tea has shown that it can have certain anti-obesity effects by suppressing various fat-metabolizing enzymes, preventing them from taking that fat into the body.  the diuretic effects of this tea also help eliminate water weight and bloating, which can be frustrating for anyone trying to lose weight.

Prevents Chronic Diseases

The rich blend of antioxidants found in dandelion tea, including flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and sesquiterpenes can all help the body eliminate free radicals. this tea can help strengthen the immune system and improve your overall health and wellness.

Builds Strong Bones

Dandelion tea also possesses measurable amounts of essential minerals, including calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium, all of which are needed by the body to create strong bones and prevent the onset of osteoporosis.

Balances Blood Sugar

For people suffering from diabetes, maintaining a stable level of blood sugar is crucial for a healthy life. Dandelion tea can regulate blood sugar levels

Dandelion Tea May Soothe Digestive Ailments

Dandelion root tea can have many positive effects on your digestive system,  soothe minor digestive ailments, and possibly relieve constipation, and even hemorrhoids.

Reduces Inflammation

Some people have praised dandelion tea for its anti-inflammatory effects, particularly on aching joints, headaches, and overall muscle tenderness. The antioxidants and other active compounds in this tea reduce pain and inflammation in affected tissues.

Word of Caution: 

If you are allergic to these plants, or to dandelions themselves, you should probably avoid the use of this tea, unless you receive permission from your allergist/doctor.

蒲公英茶 (清肝排毒茶)

蒲公英茶是“天然抗生素” 蒲公英茶消利炎肿, 清热解毒, 清肝排毒作用.

含有丰富的维生素和矿物质, 有强化肝脏的作用, 能降低胆固醇.在欧洲, 蒲公英茶有“尿床草”之称, 可见其利尿作用之强, 適合有水腫病的人飲用, 如果身上濕氣較重的, 記得也要經常喝, 還能減肥, 除此之外, 它也能解除消化不良和便秘, 清净血液, 促进母乳的分泌. 味道气味芳香, 而且口感也很不錯, 而且不含咖啡因.

护肝排毒:  蒲公英茶对于保肝护肝排毒有大大的作用. 可保肝, 清肝毒, 预防肝损伤. 且能增强肝脏再生能力, 是在许多预防C型肝炎中最重要的天然营养品. 同时还具有清除肝火的作用.

降糖: 防并发症: 众多研究表明, 胰岛素抵抗与炎症的关系十分密切, 并且蒲公英多糖也有一定的降糖效果.

润肠通便: 蒲公英植物体对于利尿可是有非常好的效果, 它具有丰富的胡萝卜素和vC及矿物质, 对消化不良, 便秘都有改善的作用, 大便秘结和减肥的作用.

功能: 清热解毒, 利尿散结, 抗菌.

用途: 急性乳腺炎, 小便不利, 外感发热, 急性肺炎, 急性支气管炎, 胃炎, 肝炎, 腮腺炎, 瘰疬, 急性结膜炎, 肺癌.

来源: 传统药茶方.

用法: 冲泡方式和其他茶一样, 放适量的蒲公英茶用200ml开水冲泡5~10分钟即可, 冲饮至味淡.

1 Pack Dandelion Tea  蒲公英茶 (清肝排毒茶) 100g

1 Pack Dandelion Tea  蒲公英茶 (清肝排毒茶) 200g

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