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BU SHEN WAN / 補肾(养陰)丸 (养陰丸)

RM 28.90

BUSHEN WAN / 補肾(养陰)丸(养陰丸) 


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Traditionally used for men and women, to improve circulation and improve urination. Suitable for men and women.

Dosage: One pill daily, to be taken with warm water or wine. ( Seven days for one treatment course.)

This is a traditional medicine . If symptoms persists, please consult adoctor.

Keep out of reach of children. Keep in cool and dry place.

補肾(养陰)丸 (养陰丸


促进血液循环, 增强记憶力, 病後失調, 醒脑改善男女精血, 肾阴虚, 補精益气, 強腰補肾, 夜尿多, 小便無力, 扶助正氣, 袪病強身, 男女皆可服用.


服法成人每日服食一丸, 以温水或洒送服.

1 Box x BU SHEN WAN / 補肾(养陰)丸 (2 Pills x 12gm) for 2 days

2 Box x BU SHEN WAN / 補肾(养陰)丸 (2 Pills x 12gm) for 4 days

3 Box x BU SHEN WAN / 補肾(养陰)丸 (2 Pills x 12gm) for 6 days

5 Box x BU SHEN WAN / 補肾(养陰)丸 (2 Pills x 12gm) for 10 days

Shipping to overseas will take 6-14 working days. By registered post, with tracking number.

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