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FOMEC’s Honey Original Taste 丰美氏蜜糖(原味) 560g

RM 43.00

FOMEC’s Honey Original Taste 丰美氏蜜糖(原味

This product no additional artificial colouring, flavouring and preservatives.

Keep in cool and dry place.

When you take this product, you can use cold water or lukewarm water and add the quantity of water according to you desired sweetness.


蜂蜜-原味本产品絶不含人造色素, 味素及防腐剂. 储藏在阴凉干燥处. 蜂蜜的食用方法 食用时, 可用冷开水或温开水冲泡到个人喜爱的甜度饮用.

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