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Cordyceps Flower 虫草花

RM 22.00

Cordyceps Flower / Cordyceps Militaris / 金虫草 虫草花

Health care supplements

  • Maintaining healthy cholesterol level.

  • Maintaining healthy immune response.

  • Increasing energy level and reduceing fatigue.

  • Increasing endurance, stamina, and athletic performance.

  • Enhancing sexual function.

  • Maintaining healthy respiratory function.

Cordyceps Flower Their Benefits: 

Numerous studies show that cordyceps polysaccharide has a variety of biological activity, by the medical profession and drug scholars believe is one of the very good immune enhancers present in the world, with a wide range of pharmacological effects: Cordyceps militaris are neutral in nature and suitable for everybody in general. Improve immune function, Immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidaemic, hypoglycaemic, anti-ageing properties, anti-malarial, anti-fatigue, neuroprotective, liver-protective, and apart from that, it can bring relieve for insomnia, strengthen one’s lungs renoprotective effects.Cordycepin contributes to the anti-tumour.

Use Method:

1.Soak in the boiled water and drink it.

2.Stew with chicken soup.

3.Soak in the wine.

Usage direction: Let the dried cordyceps flower soak in the boiled water and drink it.

Dosage: Use 5 gram daily for health care purpose.

For treatment purposes, use 10 gram daily. 

Drink it for 3 – 4 times a day and each time, put the dried cordyceps flower in a glass, soak it in boiled water for 10 minutes and drink it when the liquid turns yellow. Add boiled water again to the same glass with dried cordyceps flower util the color turns light.Finally, chew the cordyceos flower.

Stew with chicken soup method:

Remove the chicken skin and trim the excess fat. Wash and rinse the chicken. Cut into large chunks. Rinse again. Next, wash and rinse cordyceps flower, dried scallops, dang shen, red dates, and ginger slices.Then, bring the water to boil. Put all ingredients into the pot and boil. Reduce to medium heat for 10 minutes. Then simmer for another 2 hours. Turn off the heat and season with salt.

虫草花 金虫草



虫草花有美丽的金黄色, 虫草花有虫草的药效, 却不像虫草贵, 口感还不错, 其性质平和, 不寒不燥, 具补肺, 补肾和护肝养肝的功效, 主治由肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽气促. 现代医学更发现其具有平衡荷尔蒙和提高免疫力的作用, 补益效用相当多, 最适合肝肾阴虚人士食用.因为这两款菜不仅美味, 而且略带滋补. 虫草花外观上最大的特点是没有了虫体,而只有橙色或金黄色的“草”而功效则和虫草差不多,均有滋肺补肾护肝, 抗氧化, 防衰老, 抗菌抗炎,降血压, 提高机体免疫能力等作用.


味甘, 性平. 归肺, 肾经. 虫草入肺二经, 既能䃼肺阴, 又能铺肾阳, 主治肾虚, 补虚损, 益精气,益肾壮阳, 阳痿遗精, 腰膝酸痛, 肺气虚, 补肺平喘, 止咳化痰, 痨嗽, 自汗盗汗, 病后久虚不复, 容易感冒等症.是唯一的一种能同时平衡,调节阴阳的中药.


金虫草(虫草花)的食用方法有多种, 最简单的方法取5克是用开水冲泡, 10分钟后便可直接引用, 反复冲泡直到泡出的水色变淡为止, 最后再将虫草花放嘴里咀嚼吞下.

金虫草(虫草花): 不妨炖盅靓汤, 如“虫草花炖野水鸭或鸡”失为一道滋补的汤品,材料选用一只水鸭或鸡约一斤左右, 清洗干净即可使用,虫草花用凉水浸开, 沥干水分备用, 加些干貝, 枸杞子, 红枣, 党参, 姜片少许, 至于水量视乎人数而定, 先用猛火煲滚, 再转用文火煲三小时左右,调好味这保健汤就可食用, 口感爽而不腻,味道不错且无副作用, 家人都可放心食用, 体质虚弱的朋友更可以尝试一番.

1 Packet x Cordyceps Flower / Cordyceps Militaris  /虫草花 250g

1 Packet x Cordyceps Flower / Cordyceps Militaris  /虫草花 100g

Shipping to overseas will take 6-14 working days. By registered post, with tracking number.

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