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Peach Gum / Peach Resin (AAA Pearl Grade) 珍珠特选级别桃胶

RM 42.00

Peach Gum Special level (AAA Pearl Grade) 珍珠桃胶(特选AAA级别)


Origin: China & selling directly in Malaysia.

Peach Gum Nourishing Beauty Tonic.

桃胶天然胶质, 滋阴养颜.


Peach gum is peach secretion of resin, color is pale yellow, transparent. Peach resin is a common Chinese medicinal materials, relieve stress and anti-wrinkle skin effect also has nourish the face moist pulmonary effects. The main composition of peach resin is collagen, galactose, amino acids, etc. Especially peach resin contains the rich collagen, If you want to become water embellish skin elastic, complexion is ruddy luster, Then peach resin is indispensable. Eat peach gum in dry season, the effect will be very obvious.

Preparation method: 

First soaked with water 12 hours, until the peach resin become soft, knead up no hard lumps. Removal of impurities and black part and change the clean water spare to stew or cook with the other ingredients.

Peach gum recipe:

Peach Gum Nourishing Beauty Drink.

Peach Gum and Papaya Nourishing Beauty Tonic.

Peach Gum and Pear Nourishing Beauty Tonic.

Nourishing peach gum dessert with red dates, longans and white fungus.

Edible method:

Put it into a slow cooker with hot water (not boiling water) with other ingredients like dried lilies (百合), white fungus (雪耳), red dates (紅棗), Longan (桂圓肉), lianzi (蓮子).Stew for one hour.

Caution: Pregnant woman and menstrual period women. should avoid using this product.

Pearl Level Peach Resin  珍珠桃胶特选AAA级别


桃胶天然胶质, 滋阴养颜.


古有记载, 桃树上胶, 最通津液, 能治血淋, 石淋和痘疮黑陷, 桃胶是一种天然美容佳品, 平时搭配红糖, 莲子, 红枣, 杞子, 雪梨, 雪耳来制作糖水, 润心润肺养颜的功效.

营养功效: 这款糖水有美容养颜, 润肺去咳的功效. 桃胶有清血降脂, 缓解压力和抗皱嫩肤的功效, 口感绝对比燕窝好.


桃胶是干货, 需要用水浸泡发. 将桃胶放入清水中浸泡一夜 (12小时左右) 至软涨, 体积大概能涨大10倍左右. 必须再仔细将泡软的桃胶表面黑色杂质去除, 用清水反复清洗后, 掰抓成均匀的小块备用.

桃胶本身无味, 口感似果冻般爽滑. 做法很多. 可以炒, 炖, 凉拌. 把桃胶做成甜品. 因为它有美容功效, 与银耳, 木瓜, 雪梨, 红枣, 枸杞, 莲子和糖等搭配尤为合适.


◆美容养颜作用桃胶水果糖水: 配搭芒果, 火龙果和冰糖.

◆益氣養陰作用: 配搭淮山, 百合.

◆润心润肺养颜: 配搭雪梨, 木瓜, 雪耳, 杏仁.

◆潤燥作用: 配搭雪梨, 木瓜, 雪耳, 杏仁.

◆養血作用: 配搭紅棗, 枸杞子, 桂圓.

◆明目作用: 配搭雪梨, 枸杞.

◆安神作用: 配搭莲子, 银耳.

◆利尿消炎: 配搭木瓜炖桃㬵.

◆桃㬵枸杞雪梨糖水: 桃胶, 枸杞, 雪梨炖1个小時.

◆清热解暑凉拌: 泡发好洗净的桃胶加入白糖, 红萝卜切丝, 黄瓜切丝搅拌好放入冰箱冷藏一个小时后食用, 是夏天大热天气解暑佳品.

注意: 桃胶属于凉性食物, 但是桃胶具有活血功能, 孕妇和月经期妇女, 应避免使用本产品.

1 Pack x Peach Gum / Peach Resin (AAA Pearl Grade)珍珠特选AAA级别桃胶500g

1000x750 珍珠桃胶W:M C.jpg

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