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FOMEC’S Liquid Plus (Tonic) 750ML Buy 1 FREE 1 Box Bird's Nest with Ginseng, White Fungus and Rock Sugar (3 Bottles x 70ml) 丰美氏補腰精750ML 买一瓶送一盒燕窝泡参雪耳冰糖

RM 95.00

FOMEC’S Liquid Plus (Tonic) 750ML Buy 1 Bottle FREE 1 Box Bird's Nest 

with Ginseng, White Fungus and Rock Sugar (3 Bottles x 70ml)

丰美氏補腰精750ML一瓶送一盒窝泡参雪耳冰糖 (3 Bottles x 70ml)


  • Traditionally used for relieving backache
  • Kidney function deficiency
  • Physical weakness, dizziness
  • To improve blood circulation
  • FOMEC’S Tonic (Liquid Plus) good for energy
  • Bird's Nest with White Fungus good for beauty to maintain skin radiance and good health. Strengthen Immunity.

Traditionally used for relieving backache, waist-ache, physical weakness, fatigue, dizziness, loss of appetite, to blacken hair, to improve blood circulation and for health.

Thirty ml (30ml) to be taken twice a day for adult, before or after meals preferably at breakfast.

Coution : 

This is a traditional medicine. If symptoms persist, please consult a doctor. Safe use of Ginseng in pregnant women and children has not been established. Do not exceed the stated dose. Safety on long term use has not been established. Shake well before consume.

Measuring cup is provided.

Storage : 

Keep in room temperature and dry place. Keep out of reach of children.


 Ingredients (Every 30ml contains):
 Cordyceps Sinensis ...............................1500mg
 Radix Polygoni Multiflori Preparata .....1800mg
 Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoides ...............1600mg
 Radix Angelica Sinensis .........................800mg
 Radix Panax Ginseng C.A. Mey .............800mg
 Fructus Jujubae Zizipi ...........................1200mg
 Sodium Benzoate ......................................30mg
 Glucose Syrup .................................up to 30 ml

Capacity: 750ml / Bottle

丰美氏補腰精 750ML买一瓶送一盒窝泡参雪耳冰糖 (3 Bottles x 70ml)


主治传统适用於腰酸背痛, 身体虚弱, 头昏眼花, 食欲不振, 健脾益肺, 促进血液循环, 补充身体元素及强身健体.

服用法: 成人每日饮用三十毫升(约两茶匙), 每日两次, 饭前或饭后.

成份冬虫夏草, 制何首乌, 杜仲, 当归, 人参, 大枣, 糖浆.

容量: 750ml / Bottle

What's in the box: 

1 x FOMEC’S Liquid Plus (Tonic) 750ML

1 x Bird's Nest with Ginseng, White Fungus and Rock Sugar (3 Bottles x 70ml)

补肾/ 䃼腰     

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